What a surprise this movie is... Antoine de Villaseca, a liner pilot, offered Eric Saussine a short stay in Punta Cana, the famost famous seaside resort in the Dominican Republic... Some three days before their plane was due to take off their minds wandered - without much imagination - around pictures of palm trees, long beaches, relaxation, etc. From the very first day in the Carabean however, these two friends - kind of reluctant regarding the steak-frying-in-the-sun nature of this type of holiday - started imagining a comedy spy story on the spot. They wrote it in the evening and shot it during the two remaining days... The result is the movie on this page : "Punta & Cana Go To The Beach", a "finished" looking movie -which may seem quite surprising given the amazing circumstances of its production. You may like it or not, but the film does not look amateurish !
The movie lies somewhere between king of dialogue Michel Audiard and Tarantino. Antoine de Villaseca and Eric Saussine are the main stars, and they used cunning ways to appear together onscreen - one being the other’s entitled cameraman. A well-known French public figure also appears unwillingly in one of three scenes shot after that incredible shoot in the Caribbean.
The movie has royalty free music and was shot in HD. Some underwater footage was shot with a GoPro camera.
The credits are simple in this one : editing, visual effects, sound mixing : Eric Saussine
Written, produced and directed by
Eric Saussine & Antoine de Villaseca