The legendary Far west of the 19th century attracts many Desperados. John, Jack and William, the three children of a mother who had to be unhappy about them, ride to California and come under fire of a competing gang. They end up stuck behind some rock and avoiding bullets. A terrible family feud starts then despite this most unusual circumstance.
Starring Luc Le Clech (John), Philippe Lombard (Jack) and Yannick Guigneux (William).
This Comedy Western is for movie buffs and lovers of the Hollywood Golden Age. Luc Le Clech and Philippe Lombard team for the third time after "Picnic" and "Bluff". It is also Yannick Guigneux’s second turn in one of our comedies after his moronic bodyguard role in "Bluff". The production team includes Cedre Teilhard and Victor Lopez, the film is directed by Eric Saussine.
Where are the John Wayneses and the Henry Fondas when you need them ?
Somber Heroes was shot in High Definition format. Running time : 6 min. French language.