Video produced for Club James Bond France - a non profit organisation celebrating James Bond 007 in France and abroad. Some of the footage is from the archives of Club James Bond France.
Edited by Eric Saussine
From Constellation Studios’ Antoine de Villaseca comes this one-evening-shoot one-evening-editing Scream parody, Scream Begins, the title being of course a nod to Christopher Nolan’s great comic book film, Batman Begins.
We should point out how strange this beginning is for one the silver screen’s most famous serial killers.
Starring Leslie Duchemin, Jean-Christophe Poirier and Olivier Barre
"Rouge en alerte" (Red in alert) is a music video produced for the famous French rock band Garline (2010).
Garline :
Gilles Henault : Guitar, Vocal, Robert Lopez : Dreams, Vocal Joseph Lopez : Bass, Lead Vocal
Production team :
Anne-Laure Le Bonniec, Patrice Gaudin, Axel Henault
Directed by Eric Saussine
Conditions for the production of this music video : half a day production schedule, delivery : one week later ! Lyrics are in French language. Follow this link to watch the music video !
High Definition Download Available Soon
Des cendres à la poussière / Ashes To Dust is a short film by our friend Frederique Remy (after I Hate You, 2008), with stars from Picnic, Bluff and Somber Heroes. A Gone West production in French language (2009).
Prepare to witness a family fight in a car driving to a ceremony regarding Dad’s ashes. Is it gonna end in Hell or Heaven ?
"Paradis parallèle" (Parallel Paradise) is a music video produced for French rock Band Les Figurants (2008).
Les Figurants :
Ritchie : Lead Vocal, Guitar, Gilles : Guitar, Vocal, Remy : Drums, Joseph : Bass, Vocal
Production team :
Anne-Laure Le Bonniec, Patrice Gaudin, Axel Henault
Directed by Eric Saussine
Lyrics are in French language. The music video for Paradis Parallèle can be seen here :
High Definition Download Available Soon
Serge Rotelli is an Italian citizen living in Geneva, Switzerland. He is - worldly ! - known as the actor who has played James Bond in Shamelady and Shatterhand - both tribute films produced by Constellation Studios. In his spare time he is also a talented painter who produced great artwork for his Bonds (see Shamelady and Shatterhand sections). Our website is honored to host the remainder of his artwork. Click on the following links :
Serge Rotelli Gallery - Animals
Serge Rotelli Gallery - Portraits
Serge Rotelli Gallery - James Bond 007 Shamelady
Serge Rotelli Gallery - James Bond 007 Miscellaneous